Equal Employment Opportunity Program

CBITD Equal Employment Opportunity Program 2024-2027

General Statement

All documents are available for translation upon request.

The Casco Bay Island Transit District is fully committed to the concept of equal employment opportunity. It is, therefore, the policy of CBITD that:

  • No practice, activity, policy, or decision which discriminates against an individual or group on the basis of race, color, age, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, except as a bona-fide occupational qualification, shall be allowed to exist.
  • All necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that applicants and employees are treated equally during recruitment, hiring, and employment.
  • Recruiting sources will be informed orally and in writing of the CBITD policy stipulating that these sources refer minorities for all positions listed.


CBITD considers qualified applicants for employment on an equal basis without regard to race, color, age, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, or physical or mental disability, except as a bona-fide occupational qualification.

CBITD will continue to recruit qualified applicants from all necessary and available sources, including employment agencies, placement bureaus, colleges, universities, etc. and will continue to refrain from the use of recruitment practices and sources where it appears that direct or indirect discriminatory practices exist.

CBITD will use its best efforts to ensure that minorities and females are adequately informed of current and future employment activity through regular local minority publications, and involvement with local minority/female organizations and community action groups.

In publicizing job openings, all advertising and all recruiting brochures shall contain the phrase “An Equal Opportunity Employer.”

Employment and Promotion

All applicants for employment and promotion are considered and placed without regard to race, color, age, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, except as a bona-fide occupational qualification.

Employment application forms are properly worded to conform to all Federal and State laws and a periodic audit will be conducted to ensure continuous compliance.

All employees, without regard to race, color, age, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, except as a bona-fide occupational qualification, will have equal opportunity for advancement and promotion.


All work area, lunchrooms, and restrooms shall be maintained on a non-segregated basis.

Hiring Practices

The Casco Bay Island Transit District will continue hiring practices designed to achieve a reasonable representation of disadvantaged employees at every job level.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

No person on the basis of race, color, national origin, or transportation disability will be subjected to discrimination in the level and quality of transportation services and transit related benefits.

Any person or persons who believe that there is such discrimination may file a complaint with the Casco Bay Island Transit District submitted to the Complaint Resolution Officer listed below.


Title VI Program

Title VI Program Notice to Public

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, prohibits CBITD from discriminating on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities it receives federal financial assistance. Under this Act, and as a recipient of federal funding under the programs of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), CBITD has an obligation to ensure that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

CBITD addresses this obligation by ensuring:

  • The benefits of CBITD’s transit services are shared equitably throughout its service area;
  • The level and quality of services are sufficient to provide equal access to all riders in the service area;
  • No individual is precluded from participating in its service planning process;
  • Decisions regarding service changes or facility locations are made without regard to race, color or national origin;
  • A mechanism is in place for the remediation of any discrimination which may occur, even if such discrimination is unintentional.

Within its available resources, and with full regard for the delivery of efficient and effective transit service, CBITD will continue compliance with the regulations of the FTA and the spirit of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Any individual, group of individuals or entity that believes it has been subjected to discrimination prohibited under Title VI may file a complaint with the Casco Bay Island Transit District submitted to the Complaint Resolution Officer listed below.


Complaint Resolution Officer (CRO) and Complaint Form

The District’s designated Complaint Resolution Officer (CRO) will be Michael Bryand, Assistant Operations Manager. Alternately, Nick Mavodones, Operations Manager will act as CRO as necessary.

Complaints may be made in person, in writing or by telephone to the following:

Michael Bryand, CRO
Asst. Operations Manager
P.O. Box 4656 DTS
Portland, Maine 04112
207-774-7871 x 133
711 TTY/TRS/CapTech Services

Nick Mavodones
Operations Manager
P.O. Box 4656
Portland, Maine 04112
207-774-7871 x 108
711 TTY/TRS/CapTech Services

DOT Departmental Office of Civil Rights and/or
DOT Office of General Council
1200 New Jersey Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20590

Click below to download a complaint form:

EEO-Title VI-ADA Discrimination Complaint Form

EEO-Title VI-ADA Discrimination Complaint Form (Francais)

EEO-Title VI-ADA Discrimination Complaint Form (Espanol)