Approximate travel time from Portland: 60-120 minutes one-way (trip times vary based upon route and cargo volume)

Cliff Island is the smallest year-round island in Casco Bay and the last stop “down the bay” on the Casco Bay Lines ferry. Shaped like an “H,” the island has extensive property in conservation land, permanently protecting its rural atmosphere. The island is the only year-round island in Casco Bay that has all unpaved roads and, while cars are allowed, most people walk, bicycle or use golf carts for transportation.

Ferry Schedule

Things To Do on the Island

The community of Cliff Island consists of approximately 60 year-round residents but swells to nearly 200 in the summer. Residents are involved in a number of community organizations including the Cliff Island Association (CIA), the island library, the Cliff Island Historical Society and the Cliff Island “ACE” organization (Athletics, Conservation and Education) which runs a wide variety of events for year round and summer visitors involving the environment, athletics, exercise, arts & crafts and entertainment activities.

The island has a full-service post office, tennis court and a community hall and a one-room schoolhouse serving six pupils.

Cliff Island Library

The Cliff Island Library has been serving the community of Cliff Island, Maine, for over 100 years.

Cliff Island School

Phone: (207) 766-2885

Cliff Island School’s mission is to provide a quality education through shared responsibility in a safe, supportive environment for all students to meet the challenges of a global society.

Cliff Island Store & Café

Phone: (207) 766-2312

A small, seasonal grocery store and café.

The Cliff Island Historical Society

The Cliff Island Historical Society is a museum located on Cliff Island, Maine. Open through the summer.