Updated 4/3/24
Applications are now available for the 2024 Peaks Island Residential Boarding Pass program.
- All 2024 passes will be valid for all trips departing between 9:15 am – 7:15 pm from May 24, 2024 – October 14, 2024.
- We will begin issuing passes at the ticket window on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
- If you are renewing a pass, please bring your application form(s) with you when you come to renew your pass. Do not bring or send your forms to the ticket window prior to May 1.
- If you are a new applicant, please submit your application according to the instructions within the application form.
- Passes will be issued on a rolling basis up to a maximum of 1,500 total passes for 2024.
- We are holding a 2024 pass for all 2021, 2022 and 2023 pass holders.
- Beginning on May 24, 2024, any 2024 pass holders should plan to arrive at their respective terminal fifteen (15) minutes prior to departure time and wait in a designated area prior to boarding.
Program Overview
The Peaks Island Residential Boarding Pass program was piloted in 2021 to ensure space available onboard each trip for passengers that meet the definition of a resident. Following consideration of the pilot program and public feedback, the Board of Directors voted to implement the program moving forward.
The pass does not serve as fare for the trip, which must be purchased separately. Pass holders must arrive at the respective terminal fifteen (15) minutes prior to departure time and wait in a designated area prior to boarding.
The intent of this program is to ensure space available onboard each trip for passengers that meet the definition of a resident. The program will not arbitrarily distinguish between residents and non-residents, nor will it discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Regular and continuing ferry services to the general public will be maintained at all times.
Assisted early boarding and wheelchairs are always available upon request for any passenger, including non-passholders, to accommodate persons with transportation disabilities.
Future updates about the program will be posted here on this page. We will continue to collect feedback on the program and, if you have not done so already, we encourage you to send comments to moc.s1739612878enily1739612878abocs1739612878ac@ss1739612878aPlai1739612878tnedi1739612878seRsk1739612878aeP1739612878.
2024 Peaks Island Residential Boarding Program Pass – How to Apply
All previous pass holders (2021, 2022 or 2023) wishing to renew their pass must complete the renewal application and present it at the ticket window to renew your pass for 2024:
2024 Renewal Application – Peaks Island Residential Boarding Pass Program
All first-time applicants must complete the new pass holder application and follow the steps listed below:
2024 New Pass Holder Application – Peaks Island Residential Boarding Pass Program
Please submit completed application(s), along with proof of residency:
- By e-mail to moc.s1739612878enily1739612878abocs1739612878ac@ss1739612878aPlai1739612878tnedi1739612878seRsk1739612878aeP1739612878
- In person at the Casco Bay Lines ticket office at 56 Commercial Street, Portland, Maine
- By mail to:
Casco Bay Lines
Attn: Peaks Island Residential Boarding Pass
P.O. Box 4656
Portland, ME 04112-4656
Please note that section 2. Affidavit of the application for new pass holders requires applicants to certify information before a notary public.
Casco Bay Lines will review new pass holder applications in the order they are received, and applicants will be notified regarding the status of their application(s) in writing, through email whenever possible.
Applications for both new passes and renewals will be accepted on a rolling basis. You must complete one application for every pass holder. At pick-up, all pass holders will need to be photographed and will be charged the $10 per pass fee.
Frequently Asked Questions
1) Who is eligible to purchase/use a pass?
Residents of Peaks Island are eligible to purchase and use a pass. For the purposes of this program, a resident is defined below in our policy section and includes year-round and seasonal residents. It does not include guests, other relatives, or friends.
2) How do I use my pass?
To use your pass when departing from Portland, you must arrive at your gate, with your ticket and your pass in hand, fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled departure time and wait in a line in the designated area prior to boarding. To use your pass when departing Peaks Island, please arrive fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled departure time, with your pass in hand, and wait in a line in the designated area prior to boarding. CBL staff will then direct pass holders from this area to board first.
3) Where do I wait in line?
Signage will be in place at the gate to indicate where passholders should line up prior to boarding.
4) What should I expect while waiting to board and while boarding?
Passholders should plan to arrive fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled departure time and should be prepared to wait for up to fifteen minutes, until staff directs you to board the boat. At that time, staff will ask to see your pass. We encourage you to dress appropriately for the weather and be prepared to stand in line for up to fifteen minutes prior to boarding. There will be limited cover from the elements provided for passholders at the gate located at the terminal in Portland. Assisted early boarding and/or wheelchairs are available upon request for any passenger, including non-passholders, to accommodate persons with transportation disabilities.
5) Who can help me if I have questions or need assistance?
Any CBL staff member can assist you in identifying the designated area where you should line up before boarding. Should you have questions or feedback about the program, please email moc.s1739612878enily1739612878abocs1739612878ac@ss1739612878aPlai1739612878tnedi1739612878seRsk1739612878aeP1739612878 or leave your question or comment with the ticket office staff.
6) Can I use my pass from the car ferry line?
No. The pass will only be accepted from the designated passenger boarding area at the gate.
7) How many passes will be issued?
In 2024, CBL will issue no more than 1,500 total passes as part of the program on a rolling basis as applications are received/approved.
8) Can I apply online?
Applications for new pass holders may be submitted via email, mail or in-person at the terminal. Renewal applications may be submitted at the terminal. All pass holders, including renewals, will be required to pick up their passes in person at the terminal so that they may be photographed for their pass.
9) Is there a deadline for picking up my pass?
No. After your application is approved, you may pick up your pass at the terminal any time.
10) How much will the pass cost?
Each pass will cost $10. Any person ages 5+ wishing to board ahead of others must have their own pass.
11) When will my pass be valid?
All 2024 passes will be valid for all trips departing between 9:15 am – 7:15 pm from May 24, 2024 – October 14, 2024.
12) Can I have my application notarized outside of Maine?
Under Maine state law, notarial acts may be performed outside of Maine so long as the notary public is authorized to act in that capacity in whatever state he/she is doing the deed. In that case, the person doing the notarization would simply strike “State of Maine” from the signature line. Renewal applications do not require notarization.
13) Does my child need a pass to board with me?
All children ages 5+ will need their own pass to board from the designated Peaks Island Residential Boarding area. Children four years of age and younger do not need a pass.
14) Do I need to provide proof of residency for my child?
While we do ask that you complete one application for each passholder ages 5+, you are not required to submit proof of residency documentation for any minors under the age of 18.
15) What should I do if I forget or lose my pass?
You must have your pass in hand to board from the designated Peaks Island Residential Boarding area. If you forget your pass, you should plan to board from the general boarding queue. If you lose your pass, please send an email to moc.s1739612878enily1739612878abocs1739612878ac@ss1739612878aPlai1739612878tnedi1739612878seRsk1739612878aeP1739612878.
16) What should I do if I move and am no longer a Peaks Island resident?
If you move during the course of the year, you must relinquish your pass immediately by delivering it to staff at the CBL ticket office.
17) Who should I contact with questions?
Please direct any questions to moc.s1739612878enily1739612878abocs1739612878ac@ss1739612878aPlai1739612878tnedi1739612878seRsk1739612878aeP1739612878.
The CBITD policy concerning Peaks Island Residential Boarding Passes includes the following:
- The definition of a resident is as follows: (a) persons domiciled on Peaks Island; (b) persons who own property on Peaks Island and pay property taxes to the City of Portland; and (c) their spouses, partners, or dependents. This includes year-round and seasonal residents (including leaseholders). It does not include guests, other relatives, or friends.
- The program will not impede the public’s right to travel nor consistently deny ferry service access to non-residents and will have, at most, a negligible or minor impact on the ability of non-residents to use its ferry services.
- The program will designate a minority percentage of a ferry’s maximum capacity to residents, set a cap on the number of passes issued, and, ensure that non-residents make up a majority of passengers on each trip to and from Peaks Island. The maximum percentage that will be designated to resident pass holders will be forty (40) percent of the respective vessel’s designated capacity. A cap of 1,500 annual passes will be issued on a first come, first served basis. Depending upon demand, this number may need to be adjusted upward.
- Pass holders must arrive at the respective terminal fifteen (15) minutes prior to departure time and wait in a designated area prior to boarding.
- Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
- New applications will be accepted in person or online. Renewals will be processed in person. Any new applicant must submit at least two (2) of the following documents: property tax bill; rental agreement; motor vehicle registration; driver’s license; hunting or fishing license; utility bill; property insurance bill; or, other evidence of Peaks Island residency that is acceptable to Casco Bay Lines.
- Once submitted, an application for a new pass holder, and supporting documentation, will be reviewed by District personnel. Provided the applicant meets the criteria (as outlined above), the pass or passes will be issued. In the event an application does not meet the criteria, the applicant will be notified in writing and an explanation for the denial provided.
- An applicant may appeal the denial of a boarding pass request by District personnel in accordance with the following procedures: An appeal must be made in writing to the District, supported by sufficient information to enable to appeal to be fairly evaluated, within 7 calendar days after the issuance of the written notice of denial. The appeal will be evaluated by the District’s General Manager. A written decision from the General Manager stating the grounds for allowing or denying the appeal will be provided to the appellant within 60 days of the filing of the appeal. The decision of the General Manager is final and no further appeal will be considered by the District or its Board of Directors.
- This policy is intended solely as an internal guide to the District. It does not afford any person any property or contractual rights, and no person shall have any enforceable rights against the District based upon this policy or alleged violations of this policy.