FY2011 Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a way to asses the operational and financial performance of the District. There are six KPI reporting categories including the following:
- Financial Worksheet—contains the following 9 charts (be sure to scroll down to view all):
- Monthly Revenue—contains revenue earned for each month and cumulative year to date
- Monthly Expense—contains expense for each month and cumulative year to date
- Monthly Operational Profit/Loss—contains Ops P&L prior to the application of any grants
- Monthly Profit/Loss—contains P&L for each month with grants applied and cumulative year to date
- Line of Credit Balance monthly
- Productivity Worksheet—contains measurements of the District’s productivity (work in progress)
- Ridership & Vehicles Worksheet—contains totals for each month and cumulative year to date
- Web Metrics Worksheet—contains statistics to track web site activity
- Customer Service Worksheet—contains Incident reports by month
- Safety Worksheet—contains injury reports by month