Report of Incident or Complaint

Use either the printable form or the online form below to report the details of any incident or complaint involving passengers, customers or employees, and or to report any incident involving damage to property occurring on or to CBITD property. Employees are responsible for the proper and timely filing of this form to the Operations Manager. This form is not to be utilized for reporting any injury.

Printable Form

Please download and print this form: Report of Incident or Complaint and return to the Casco Bay Lines Ticket Office at 56 Commercial Street, Portland, Maine, or by mail to P.O. Box 4656, Portland, ME 04112-4656, or by e-mail to moc.s1729014813enily1729014813abocs1729014813ac@tr1729014813opert1729014813nedic1729014813ni1729014813

Online Form

Report of Incident or Complaint

  • Contact Information

    Please enter the person making the reports contact information.
  • Incident/Complaint Details

    Please fill in the following to the best of your ability.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • Full NamePhoneAddress 
    Please enter the contact information for any Witnesses or Complainants. Use the plus (+) icon to add more rows.
  • Please enter a brief description of the event that occurred.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.