Casco Bay Island Transit District (CBITD) is offering its full support to one employee who has tested positive for COVID-19. This employee was last present at CBITD on March 31, 2021. Consistent with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the employee will not return to work until cleared by their health care provider in accordance with CDC guidelines for quarantine and return to work.

Any employees who may have been in close contact with or shared a common workspace with the infected employee have been notified directly and given instruction for applicable quarantine requirements. At this time, no shoreside staff or members of the public have been identified as having had close contact with this employee, as defined by the CDC.

Throughout the pandemic, CBITD has made significant efforts to platoon our crews and staff and have had extensive safety and sanitization procedures in place. As a result, we were able to quickly make staffing adjustments and we do not anticipate any immediate significant impact to our operations. The vessel itself was taken out of service and sanitized thoroughly.

We have and will continue to take steps to ensure the health and safety of our employees, our customers and our community. This includes platooning of staff and crews, use of face coverings at all times, physical distancing and enhanced cleaning and disinfection being performed in accordance with CDC guidelines. Please visit https://www.cascobaylines.com/about-us/coronavirus-resources/ for more information about our COVID-19 policies.

Additional information about the identity of the employees will not be disclosed to the general public. We are proud of our essential workforce and the work they are doing to maintain critical service to the islands we serve. Should you have any questions or concerns related to this notice, please don’t hesitate to contact us at moc.s1739614346enily1739614346abocs1739614346ac@tn1739614346emmoc1739614346.

For more information on COVID-19, including symptoms and treatment, visit the CDC website at www.cdc.gov.