Casco Bay Lines to Increase Service Under Revised Schedule on May 16

Casco Bay Island Transit District announced on May 11, 2020, that service will be increased beginning on Saturday, May 16, 2020.

The amended schedule, which reflects the initially-reduced service schedule in place from March 21 – March 27, 2020, can be viewed here. It has been posted on our website and on the vessels and is available in the terminal.

With this change, Peaks Island daily car ferry trips will be increased from three to eight runs and the boat will no longer go between Peaks Island and the other islands

Reductions to our regular seasonal service continue to be necessary to ensure the health and safety of our employees, riders, islanders, and our communities, and will remain in place until further notice – likely at least through May. However, increased availability of seasonal staff provides an opportunity to offer additional trips while still allowing CBITD to segregate crews and minimize the likelihood of a suspension of all service.

Please be aware that CBITD, in accordance with the Governor’s “Stay Safer at Home” Executive Order, is requiring that all persons wear cloth face coverings at all times when present at our facilities or onboard our vessels. Still, all crew and customers should continue to maintain at least six feet of physical distance from others whenever possible including while boarding, debarking, retrieving freight at the docks and while underway on the vessel.

Finally, even with warmer weather and increased service, we remind everyone that travel on our ferries must be restricted to those purposes permitted under the Governor’s orders.

We are grateful for your commitment to the importance of these measures. In return, we will continue to look ahead and take action that reflects our commitment to this community and the islands we serve.

More information about operations during COVID-19 can be found here on our website.  As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to moc.s1739618516enily1739618516abocs1739618516ac@tn1739618516emmoc1739618516 with any questions or feedback.

À partir du 16 mai et conformément aux nouveaux horaires, la compagnie Casco Bay Lines étend ses heures d’opérations

Casco Bay Lines aumenta la frecuencia de servicios el 16 de mayo bajo el horario modificado