Casco Bay Island Transit District Public Hearing Notice

Date:    Thursday, April 22, 2021

Time:   8:00 AM (during the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting)

Place:  Virtual meeting (see information below)

Topic:  Proposed new tariff rate for Peaks Island Residential Boarding Pilot Program pass


There will be consideration and action regarding the following:

A proposal to charge a new $20 tariff rate effective June 1, 2021, for a pass as part of the Peaks Island Residential Boarding Pilot Program beginning on June 19, 2021, as recommended by the CBITD Finance Committee on March 24, 2021.

Due to COVID-19, this meeting will be held remotely via WebEx and public participants should use the information below to access the meeting. Please remember that public input is always welcome.

Board of Directors

Thur., April 22, 8:00 AM

Event address for attendees:

Event Password: CBL123

Audio conference:

United States Toll: +1-408-418-9388

Meeting Access Code: 129 215 2699

If prompted for an attendee ID, please dial the number sign/pound sign (#).

All public comments sent to moc.s1739618643enily1739618643abcsa1739618643c@tne1739618643mmoc1739618643 received before 6:45 AM on the morning of the meeting will be shared with the Board for consideration. Agendas and meeting information can be found on the CBITD website calendar.  Please check the calendar frequently for any updates or changes to scheduled meetings or dial-in information.

The public is encouraged to attend.