2022 CBITD Board of Directors Elections

The candidates for the November 8th election are:

Cliff Island seat (3 year term)

David Crowley

54 Church Road

Cliff Island, ME 04019


Islands at Large seat (3 year term)

Patrick Flynn

21 Centennial Street

Peaks Island, ME 04108


Jennifer Lavanture

50 Centennial Street

Peaks Island, ME 04108


Peaks Island seat (3 year term)

Twain Braden

41 Elizabeth Street

Peaks Island, ME 04108


Sharoan Cohen

131 Central Avenue

Peaks Island, MEĀ 04108


The absentee ballots will only be available at the City/Town Offices of Portland, Long Island and Chebeague. We will not have absentee ballots at Casco Bay Lines. Specimen ballots will be sent to each island for posting.

After the election on November 8th, the City of Portland, and the Towns of Long Island and Chebeague Island, will forward the unofficial results to Casco Bay Lines; this usually happens the next day. The official results will be available after all the tabulations are complete (this can take approximately two days).